Monday 3 September 2012

Bricklaying Student

Our first Anonymous builder blog comes young male bricklaying student, he was not confident in his writing and asked us to word the blog for him but the story is his.

I started college last year when I finished school, my dad had worked on site and said that bricklaying was a good course to go on as you could be your own boss and earn some decent money. I really like the practical aspect of the course and am keen to do well but I am worried about the behaviour of some of the other lads as it can cross the line and the teachers don’t seem to know how to deal with it. In one instance a group of boys started calling the teacher names but nothing came of it. I’m not soft and I didn’t think that bricklaying would be like working in an office but I was annoyed about how much some of the other pupils didn’t care and how this wasn’t seen to be an issue; it makes us all look like losers and means we don’t get as much done. Some of the others (pupils) try and get their head down and work hard but that only seems to get them noticed. I find them (the students that play up) very intimidating and would have dropped the course but my mum says I can’t if I still want to live at home. I know this isn’t the worst problem in the world but you asked for something real from industry and to me this is important, how can we feel proud about working in construction if even the teachers don’t feel we are worth it?

If you would like to blog (either as an ongoing journal of your experiences or a one off event) or respond anonymously please feel free to email and we will make sure you cannot be identified.

The blog is intended to show just one side of working in industry, for those who feel its important to also show the brilliance that can be a life in construction we are happy to feature your posts too.

Remember this is someone at the beginning of their career so please be kind with your responses.